Hornet Control: How to Keep Hornets Away
There are approximately 20 species of hornets, and they live on at least four continents. Most are in Asia, but also Africa, Europe, and, of course, North America. New Hampshire has two of them.
These include the baldfaced and giant European hornet. Their presence in the state means there’s a chance they can invade the interior of your home or outdoor living space. If you’ve ever been stung by one, you know it’s much more painful than a bee or wasp sting.
It’s the last thing you’ll want any family member to experience. So what keeps away hornets? Hornet control.
This article provides some great tips on how to keep hornets away.
What’s the Difference Between Wasps and Hornets?
In addition to the two species of hornets, NH also has two aggressive species of wasps. The main difference between the two is their size. Hornets are larger and more hardy than wasps.
The baldfaced hornet got its name from the white pattern that covers its face. It stands out in contrast to the rest of its long, thin body, which is black.
But you may be more familiar with the European hornet with the yellow stripes along its abdomen. They’re brown with pale faces and long bodies.
The most common wasp in New Hampshire is the brown paper wasp. As its name suggests, it’s brown with a long body. A few may also have yellow stripes.
Another difference is that hornets are not considered as aggressive as wasps. However, their venom can pack a punch. It contains chemicals that make their sting much more painful than a wasp.
What Keeps Away Hornets?
Their painful sting is one of the main reasons to keep hornets away. But how do you hornet-proof a house?
There are a few things you can do. But you’ll need to be careful when doing these steps to keep hornets away.
Remove Food and Garbage
Food can attract hornets. This includes leftovers and discarded food that you may have in garbage cans. Keep food stored securely and cover all garbage cans.
Don’t Attract Insects
You may not be doing this intentionally. But if you have a hummingbird feeder, it’s the ideal food source for many insects.
Where there are insects, there are hornets. They’ll go wherever they can feed upon them.
Keep Fixtures in Good Condition
This also pertains to the structure of your home. Gaps, crevices, and broken fixtures can be ideal places for hornets to build their nests. You’ll also want to check your doors and windows to ensure it isn’t easy for hornets to enter your home.
Keep Fragrances Mild
If you know you’ll be going outside, wear milder fragrances. Hornets may mistake sweet, strong scents for flowers. This may make them linger in the area.
Home Remedies
Many of these solutions are for outside your home. You might be wondering how to get rid of hornets in the house. Many people swear by home remedies.
These can include dryer sheets, oils, and spray made from soap and water. Some also concoct hornet traps.
Many of these solutions are also the answer to How to get rid of hornets in the ground? This includes the soap and water mixture and the use of traps. You can also kill a colony of hornets with insecticide dust.
However, you must remember that hornets will attack with full force if provoked. It’s the last thing you’ll want, so it’s best to call a pest control company.
The Best Hornet Control in New Hampshire to Keep Hornets Away
Finding a hornet’s nest in or around your home can be scary. That’s because they will attack if provoked. Their sting is also excruciating.
What keeps away hornets? A few things. But you must be careful if you find a nest near your home. It’s best to call a company specializing in hornet control and removal.
Garfield Pest Control does. We use the most effective methods to remove and to keep hornets away. So contact us to lessen your chances of getting stung in and around your home.