What Bird Feeders Will Keep Squirrels Away From Eating Seeds?
Are you a bird watcher? Do you talk to the birds in your backyard, making sounds and waiting for them to chirp? If so, trust us; you are in no way alone. Many people find talking to birds relaxing, while many, like you, make bird sounds with their hands cupped around their mouths. And yes, it is surprising, but they do respond with their sounds.
As you continue to read this, you are most likely a bird watcher; speak to them or enjoy watching them in your backyard in your decorative bird feeder. If the latter is true, you wonder how to keep squirrels out of your bird feeder.
Here we aim to help you as the bird watcher you are.
First, let us give you peace of mind and say there are ways to squirrel-proof your bird feeder. So sit back, enjoy reading and hope you find a way that best suits you to keep squirrels out of your bird feeders.
What Birdseed Do Squirrels Not Like?
Squirrels are less likely to eat birdseed with a strong, pungent, bitter taste. Safflower seed and nyjer are two common seeds squirrels are generally not fond of. Capsaicin-coated bird feed products and suets are also an option, as well as mixing some cayenne pepper into your existing bird seed.
Recommended Bird Feeder Types To Keep Squirrels Out
The Pole
First, let us start with the pole. Two types help keep squirrels from climbing up them. The first, the Squirrel Stopper Pole, has an attached spring-loaded baffle that stops squirrels from getting up past it.
You can squirrel-proof a pole by attaching smooth plastic or metal baffles if you already have a pole. There are currently two types, a torpedo baffle and a wrap-around baffle. Both are designed to stop the squirrel from getting passed them. Some may tilt and twirl to keep the squirrel off balance as well.

Bird Feeders With Spinners
Start by attaching a wire from one tree to another and hand the bird feeder centered in between. Ensure enough room so the squirrel cannot jump onto the bird feeder from the tree.
String the wire with spinners as you hang the bird feeder from the horizontal wire between the two trees. This stops the squirrels from crossing them because as they spin and tip over, so will the squirrels. Spinners can be made of plastic bottles, thread spools and short piping.
Recommended Squirrel Proof Bird Feeders
After gathering reviews from various platforms, we have listed a few standard bird feeders recommended by people.
1. Yankee Flipper Feeder
A squirrel-proof bird feeder that uses motion to send squirrels away. The movement is activated by weight. As a bird lands with little weight, nothing happens. However, when a squirrel does, because it weighs more, the feeder moves, throwing the squirrel off balance.
2. Droll Yankees Domed Cage and Double Suet Feeder
These types of squirrel-proof bird feeders are the traditional ones. A cage surrounds the tube feeder so only small birds can access the seeds.
The Double Suet feeder uses suet cakes instead of loose seeds.

3. Woodlink Absolute II Squirrel Resistant Feeder
Like the Yankee Flipper feeder, this works on the principle of weight. A spring-activated perch will activate when a heavy squirrel lands on it. Then, a metal shield will close, cutting off the squirrel’s access to the seeds.
For Success, Be Sure To Follow The Rules
Because of a squirrel’s ability to jump, place your feeder more than five feet up off the ground, more than seven feet across a building or tree, and down nine feet from an overhang.
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